2014 Speakers Confirmed
After a really tough selection process, we now have our complete 2014 speaker lineup confirmed; it's gonna be a great year!
Our new lineup now includes:
Luke Melia - Growing a Tech Community
Samantha John, Jason Brennan - Designing a better Programmer Community
Solomon Kahn - BI Tooling with Rails
Mike Bernstein - Know Your Types - Bringing Static Types to Dynamic Languages
Andrew Turley - What we can learn from COBOL
Nathan Artz - An Approach to Developing and Testing Third Party Javascript Widgets
Michael May - Edge Caching for Dynamic Rails Apps.
Lisa Larson-Kelly - Real-time Communication with WebRTC
James Golick - How to Debug Anything
Chris Hunt - Secrets of a World Memory Champion
Audrey Troutt - Teaching Kids to Code on Raspberry Pi
Aaron Quint - The Future of Ruby Performance Tooling
Tickets will be on sale from 2nd April (afternoon). We can't wait to see you there!